Sunday School Sex Ed: Our Whole Lives

Our Whole Lives curriculum spans from age 6-adult

Our Whole Lives curriculum spans from age 6-adult

The birds and the bees may not be the first thing we think of as children exit church services to attend Sunday school activities. However, many churches affiliated with the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Church and incorporating such a program into their work with youth. Wayside United Church of Christ in Federal Way, Washington

Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive ex education program that focuses on presenting factual information and allowing students to form their own opinions and make their own decisions in regards to their sexual health and relationships.  The curriculum focuses on four key areas: self-worth, responsibility, sexual health, and justice and inclusivity.

Of particular interest to this blog is the justice and inclusivity component.  Participants are taught about all types of sexual relationships rather than exclusively heterosexual behavior.  Providing such information allows students to pursue the kind of sexual relationship they feel best fits them.  Amy Johnson, An OWL trainer and member of Wayside UCC, says that OWL teaches that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender or race, have equal rights.

Here is a YouTube video of some high school students articulating their experiences in their church’s OWL program.  They emphasize the contrast between the OWL program and their health classes at school as well as the fact that they feel informed and empowered to make their own decisions regarding their sexual relationships.


Fyhrie, A, Johanson, E. (2008, January 10). Our Whole Lives. (Video Blog) Retrieved from .


Johnson, A. (n.d.). Just Say Know! Our Whole Lives/Sexuality and our Faith. Retrieved August 7, 2014, from

Our Whole Lives Lifespan Sexuality Education Curricula. (2013, January 13). Retrieved August 7, 2014, from

Our Whole Lives. (n.d.). Retrieved August 7, 2014, from

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